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SE Using The DNA Method With The Highest Degree Of Success


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Oct 8, 2020
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Using The DNA Method With The Highest Degree Of Success
Every online (or In-store) retailer you decide to social engineer, be It Wayfair, Zalando, Nike, ASOS and of course Amazon, must be done by thoroughly researching and collecting all factors pertaining to the company's operations. The moment the Information gathering session Is over, an Informed decision can be made when selecting the product to SE, against the method that best suits the nature of the Item. Once the company's terms & conditions have been analyzed, Inclusive of the grounds on which refunds & replacements are Issued, as well as having an In depth look Into the Item to be SEd, It's not difficult at all to choose an appropriate method.

For Instance, If you're well acquainted with the missing Item method, you'd know to opt for a product with a weight of no more than "120 grams", thereby It will circumvent most shipping scales and will not register when weighed as It travels through the carrier's network. As a result, there's no evidence to suggest the Item was In the package while sitting at the carrier's depot, to when It was loaded In the driver's van/truck and until It finally reached Its destination - your home, drop house or any other location used to accept deliveries.

However, social engineering Is not all sunshine and rainbows, It can fail at the best of times. In the case of the missing Item method, a prime example Is neglecting to establish the use of CCTV cameras actively monitoring the movement of stock In the company's warehouse, therefore their camera footage clearly demonstrated the Item was picked, packed and dispatched correctly, hence the claim was Immediately declined. To some extent, every other traditional method Is also susceptible to failure and as such, It's of the utmost Importance to recognize and Identify "Its strong points" and use "Its strengths" to help ensure a favorable outcome on almost every occasion.

That's where I come In. Given It's way beyond the scope of this article to cater for each method, I will focus on one that's extremely common and used by SE'ers of all shapes & sizes - namely the "DNA (Did Not Arrive) method". If you haven't come across It before, rest assured, I've explained everything In the next topic In a very simplistic fashion, so be sure to read It thoroughly and you'll get a grasp of It In no time at all.

Now there are quite a number of ways the DNA Is used, many of which cause a lot of complications, hence I've filtered "two very effective approaches" that essentially give It the highest degree of success. In other words, what you will learn from this article, Is how to utilize the DNA method "with an extremely high success rate" but first, I'd like you to familiarize yourself with Its formulation, so let's check It out now.

What Is The DNA Method?

As Its name Implies, the DNA method Is used by social engineers to say that the package they've been waiting to be sent to their address (or drop house), did not arrive as Intended. That Is, they've bought something from an online retailer/store, but the carrier driver neglected to drop It off at their premises. Evidently, the SE'er did receive It, but Is stating otherwise for SEing purposes. The good thing about the DNA, Is that It's "carrier based", thus considered a universal method and Is compatible with any product of reasonable size & weight - but use common sense and be realistic with your selection.

For example, If you're going to SE a 78 Inch commercial refrigerator weighing 615 pounds at a cost of over 3,000$, It will not be dumped at your doorstep without any form of verification. The company will take extra care to make sure It's delivered correctly, by (where applicable) arranging an OTP (One-Time Password) which must be given to the driver to accept the consignment. In terms of SEing Items such as an IPhone, laptops, articles of clothing or perhaps a computer monitor, the DNA method will accommodate all those and countless other goods with relative ease - for the fact that their weight Is not taken Into consideration - you're purely saying the package didn't arrive, regardless of how heavy (or light) It Is.

Even though It's not too difficult to prepare and execute the method, one wrong move can cause the SE to prematurely come to an end. Allow me to elaborate with an occurrence that (for the most part), will result In the claim being rejected. To avoid signing for the delivery and dealing with the driver directly, some SE'ers give Instructions to "leave the package at a safe place" within the boundaries of their own home, and then pretend It didn't arrive.

Although using that approach seems Ideal (In "some" cases It Is), there's a very Important element that was overlooked. Because "you, as the SE'er" made the decision about the safe place, It releases the company/carrier from liability, therefore "you are responsible for loss of goods". I don't need to explain what happens next! There are many more events that lead to a declined claim, but as said, I cannot possibly cover the lot. So how do you use the DNA to work In your favor almost each and every time? I'll discuss precisely how It's done In the topic below.

How To Almost Guarantee The DNA's Success:

What you're about to read, relates to a couple of very well planned methodologies and series of events, which significantly maximize the DNA method's success, to the point of having a refund or replacement approved In the majority of times during your SEing activities - but only If you follow my examples and explanations as written. Sure, there are an array of other Incidents that succeed, but this Is based on a figure of 85%-90% when applied according to my recommendations. Okay, without further ado, let's have a look at the first event.

Package Dumped At The Doorstep

Every carrier company has their own guidelines to follow when servicing their customers - some will ask for an OTP, and/or others will request the package be signed before It can be handed over to the buyer. That being said, I'm sure you've heard of the saying: "Rules are made to be broken" and carrier drivers are certainly guilty of that, by disregarding to follow their policies & procedures with their day-to-day operations. As such, they tend to "leave packages at the doorstep" at a given home - particularly when they're running late for their delivery run. What this means from a social engineering standpoint, Is "they've basically DNA'd themselves".

Think about It logically for a minute by reading this scenario. You've placed an order with Zalando, and your package Is scheduled to arrive In 3-5 days. Your plan of attack Is to avoid a signature by pretending no one Is home - hoping "the driver will drop It off at the front door and leave thereafter". Everything worked as expected, whereby the driver knocked on your door, and you deliberately gave the Impression that no one was around to answer It, so "he left the package unattended at the doorstep". Have you worked out what took place, and why It's perfect DNA material?

Your package was just "dumped" without any form of verification, so how can the company justify without a shadow of a doubt, that "you personally received It?". I'll answer It for you - "they can't". Sure, tracking has shown It arrived to the correct "address", but It CANNOT verify "person-to-person" delivery. Anything could've happened to It while It was sitting at the doorstep - a passerby stole It, or perhaps the neighbor did the same thing.

Whatever the possibilities are, yourself or a household member "does not have possession of the package", hence "DNA - Did Not Arrive!". This Is a huge vulnerability, and If you remain adamant that It wasn't personally delivered to "you" nor to another person living In your home, the probability of a successful SE Is almost guaranteed. After all, the driver should've done his job and at least grab a signature, so If there's anyone to blame for nonreceipt of goods, It's him.

A Signature Required On Delivery

This Is the most widely used option by carriers to confirm consignments, but as with the one above pertaining to packages left at the doorstep and companies using tracking confirmation, this Is just as useless. You see, unlike a contract that's bound by law to stick with an agreement made by two or more parties, "a signature for SEing purposes Is quite the opposite" - It holds no value whatsoever, thus Is completely futile to verify It was "you" who signed and accepted the delivery. For Instance, If you used a fake name that has no association to your real Identity, "how can the company "conclusively say It belongs to you?". Were there any witnesses at the time of signing? Was It done on a document In the presence of a Justice of the Peace? Of course not!

The only person who was around at the time of the delivery, was the carrier driver and regardless of what he tells the company, his word cannot substantiate the shipment - which ultimately renders the consignment Inconclusive. I've been SEing for a very long time and to this day, I continue to see drivers sign their hand-held device themselves - DHL Is one carrier who Is guilty of It. Under those circumstances, It will be very difficult for the rep/agent to provide evidence that It's "your signature" and most Importantly, proof of delivery to an "Individual" cannot be validated.

Now there's one thing I strongly advise when asked for a signature, and that Is to (obviously) do It with a totally different name but be sure It's "legible" ("readable"), yet consistent with what typically represents a signature - somewhat messy. Because It can be read, the rep will see that "the name does not correspond with yours", therefore the claim will not be declined based on that alone. Moreover, It further adds to the complexity of the company & carrier trying to establish that "you personally received" the shipment. All In all, It's just about Impossible to prove that the package was handed to you, so a refund/replacement will be forthcoming.

What To Expect With The DNA Method:

Each method used against companies on every level, will trigger one or more events that will either work to your advantage, or cause complications that must be effectively dealt with to keep the SE flowing In a positive direction. And the DNA method Is certainly no exception. You already know about Its positives, so this topic focuses on Incidents that commonly take place with the DNA method, as well as how to handle them In a manner that will ensure the SE remains on track to have the claim finalized In your favor. To avoid congestion, I've limited each subtopic (below) to two paragraphs, so let's begin with the good ol' company "Investigation".

A Company Investigation Opened

When claiming the driver neglected to drop off the package to your premises, unless you're SEing a very low value Item that's not worth pursuing, It's almost certain the company will open what's called an "Investigation". So what exactly Is this? Put simply, the company will liaise with the carrier (who serviced your delivery) to try and locate your package, and determine why It didn't arrive at Its destination - your home or drop house. What they generally look for Is tracking Information, signed consignments, GPS records and basically any type of Info that suggests you're not telling the truth - which mostly happens when suspicion Is raised on your part.

Due to the amount of details that need to be collected and evaluated by the representative, an Investigation can be a lengthy process. In the worst-case scenario, some can take up to a couple of months to complete. Furthermore, reps have a tendency to not respond when SE'ers request for the latest developments of the Investigation, but as a social engineer yourself, do not be discouraged by their noncompliance - many agents purposely fail to communicate with the Intention to make things difficult for you. Be patient throughout the entire claim, and you'll find that the majority of Investigations will result In a successful outcome.

A Police Report Requested

If you've just began your career In the art of company manipulation and exploitation and used the DNA method for the very first time, only to find that an email was sent from the company asking you to file a "police report" ("PR"), you'd probably be very confused as to what should be done about It. Intermediate and some advanced SE'ers may also feel the same way - all because they read the word "police", and Instantly believe they're In some sort of trouble with the law, or perhaps the Feds will bust their door down at 5:30am. I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth.

Law enforcement agencies have better things to do, than to waste their time and valuable resources on a "one-off Incident" that's simply claiming a package didn't arrive. So why do companies ask for a police report, and what do they do with It once they've received It? Well, unless you've been SEing many times In succession In close timing (Inclusive of high value Items), a police report Is only needed for administration purposes to move forward with your claim. So when you're told to file and return a PR, comply with the rep's request by attending your local police station, or (where applicable) do It on the Internet.

Request To Sign & Return Documents

The fact Is, every social engineer wants to have the latest Apple IPhone worth over 2,000$ or an awesome 3,000$ gaming laptop, but It's not as easy as formulating a method, executing the attack and expect the SE to run smoothly from start to finish. SEing high value Items, has Its fair share of problems - companies do not appreciate crediting accounts for the cost of the retail price, or send a replacement Item at no extra charge. They want to be absolutely certain that performing such actions, are well and truly warranted. The same applies to mid value Items In the range of 350$-750$.

Unless the representative Is brain-dead and approves the claim on the spot, he will assess It with a fine-tooth comb, and that's when he'll "send some type of document to sign & return". If It's Ignored, the claim will remain at Its current state and eventually be declined. The DNA method often triggers two kinds of documents - namely a statutory declaration and an affidavit. Now the question a lot of SE'ers ask me Is: "should I put pen to paper and return It, or disregard It altogether?". I cannot possibly provide an answer In a couple of sentences, hence read my tutorials by clicking the links above and make your own judgement. As you will see, I've given my recommendations, so ultimately It's your decision.

The Carrier Driver Calling/Visiting Your Home

Before I make a start, I'd like to reiterate that this relates to claiming the package did not arrive at your home. Okay, because carrier drivers are well aware that they've done their job properly by dropping off their deliveries at the correct address, they tend to take offense when people state otherwise. As a result, they'll take matters Into their own hands by visiting the social engineer's home, or get In touch over the phone. Be It one or the other, the driver will ask all sorts of questions about the delivery, and why you said It wasn't received. Sometimes, he'll go as far as asking you to sign a document - just to clear him of any wrongdoing.

I've personally experienced my cell phone ringing up to 10 times a day, and the sound of my doorbell became quite annoying but of course, I totally Ignored every event - for the reason that "the driver had no right to set foot on my private property with such ridiculous demands, nor was I obligated to attend to his stupid needs". Many SE'ers feel as though they must explain themselves by speaking with the driver, which Is definitely NOT the case at all! If you're Involved In a similar situation with the driver, "do not respond under any circumstances" and If his behavior continues, report him for harassment to the police.

In Conclusion:

Every time a method Is used against a particular Item and company, It's not only Important to know the Ins and outs of Its usage and success rate, but It's also vital to be well Informed of the events that It's likely to trigger while your SE Is In motion. Collectively, you will have sound knowledge of how to utilize It to Its full potential, as well as become well-equipped to tackle every Incident that representatives and carriers throw at you at any point during your SEing activities. Together with that, and the objective of this article of understanding the DNA's highest degree of success, refunds and replacements will be coming your way a lot more often than not.