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Programming The Complete Unity Course for Software Developers


Local User
Mar 18, 2024
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Start creating 3D games on the Unity game engine using C # to put your programming skills to use in the game development industry.
What you’ll learn
The Complete Unity Course for Software Developers
  • A 3D Viking survival game demo teaches C# programming with an emphasis on utilizing Unity to build games and interactive experiences.
  • Learn about the C# scripting features available in Unity, such as MonoBehaviours, ScriptableObjects, script interactions, and performance analysis.
  • Build scalable games by efficiently managing your Unity project using version control, namespaces, assembly definitions, and unique Unity packages.
  • Learn how play and edit mode tests in automated testing may help you prevent adding issues to your game as it develops over time.
  • Put everything together with an illustration of a fighting maneuver that makes use of all the abilities you’ve learned.
  • It is anticipated and necessary that you have a firm grasp of programming fundamentals. This course is not intended to teach students the fundamentals of programming.
  • A PC that satisfies the minimum system requirements for the Unity Editor application.
  • Having some knowledge of using an IDE like Visual Studio to write and modify code
  • Basic understanding of version control and Git.
Welcome to Unity For Software Developers, the one and only course you’ll ever need to take to understand how to use Unity to create games. Charles Amat, the host of the Infallible Code YouTube channel where over 61,000 developers learn how to design games using Unity, developed this course.
This course considers that, as a developer, your time is important and aims to provide its material in a clear and succinct manner over a period of little less than three hours, letting you skip the filler and get right to the point.
The Complete Unity Course for Software Developers
  • Charles Amat, a senior developer at Thousand Ant, a company that produces training materials for businesses like Microsoft and Google as well as Unity Technologies itself, is the instructor for the course.
  • You’ll discover the most up-to-date tools and industry-best practices for creating games in Unity as part of this course, which has been updated to be 2022-ready.
  • There are no shortcuts in this course. You may utilize several 3D elements from a unique 3D demo project called “The Norsemen,” which includes a rigged and animated figure, in your own prototypes.
  • Together with Matt Schell, the former director of online evangelism at Unity Technologies, who produced many of the most well-liked Unity video lessons on their own YouTube channel, Charles wrote and built the curriculum.
  • Through our YouTube channel, we have assisted millions of students in learning how to program in Unity, and many of them have gone on to transform their lives by becoming successful game developers.
We’ll teach you all you need to know to use your talents as a developer to create games in Unity step-by-step via entertaining video lessons.
The course comes with a custom-made, unique 3D survival game demo with animated characters and sample source code, as well as more than 3 hours of HD video instruction.
By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in Unity’s technological basics and be ready to start creating your own video games.
Who this course is for:
  • Developers who are familiar with the fundamentals of programming and want to learn how to use them to create games using Unity should take this course.