You must configure the script before using by editing /include/config.php
SITE_NAME - string - The name of your site.
SITE_URL - string - The URL to the index of your site.
SITE_LOGO - string - Direct link to your site logo.
SITE_DISCORD - string|null - Your Discord link or null to disable.
PHP_EXTENSION - true|false - Should generated links include .php for php files?
UPLOAD_DIR - string - Where should uploaded files be stored (Folder must be in script root)
UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE - int - Maximum file size in MB.
UPLOAD_CHECK_MIME - true|false - Should file mime type be checked?
UPLOAD_CHECK_EXT - true|false - Should file extension be checked?
UPLOAD_ALLOW_MIME - array - Array of allowed file mime types (Only used if UPLOAD_CHECK_MIME is true)
UPLOAD_ALLOW_EXT - array - Array of allowed file extensions (Only used if UPLOAD_CHECK_EXT is true)
AD_PLACEMENT - true|false - Should ads inside index.php be shown?
SITE_URL - string - The URL to the index of your site.
SITE_LOGO - string - Direct link to your site logo.
SITE_DISCORD - string|null - Your Discord link or null to disable.
PHP_EXTENSION - true|false - Should generated links include .php for php files?
UPLOAD_DIR - string - Where should uploaded files be stored (Folder must be in script root)
UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE - int - Maximum file size in MB.
UPLOAD_CHECK_MIME - true|false - Should file mime type be checked?
UPLOAD_CHECK_EXT - true|false - Should file extension be checked?
UPLOAD_ALLOW_MIME - array - Array of allowed file mime types (Only used if UPLOAD_CHECK_MIME is true)
UPLOAD_ALLOW_EXT - array - Array of allowed file extensions (Only used if UPLOAD_CHECK_EXT is true)
AD_PLACEMENT - true|false - Should ads inside index.php be shown?