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SE How To Legitimately Rescue A Failed SE


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Oct 8, 2020
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How To Legitimately Rescue A Failed SE
If you're the type of social engineer who operates on an advanced level, and have been hitting companies like Wayfair, Zalando, Amazon, John Lewis etc by deceiving their representatives to credit your account for a refund, or dispatch a replacement Item while you still get to keep the original, you'd be well aware of what It takes to manipulate your target and get the job done with minimal disruptions. The same applies If you're a refunder, whereby you're SEing online retailers for Inexperienced SE'ers and charge a certain percentage when the SE succeeds - every angle must be covered to ensure the outcome works In your favor.

In order to do all that, It's of paramount Importance to "research" the company's terms, conditions and policies, as well as be well-acquainted with the "carriers" they utilize to service their deliveries and when the Information gathering session Is finished, "Item & method formulation" (selecting a method suited to the nature of the Item) Is Implemented In readiness for the attack vector. Up to this point, you have full control of the SE and have a clear vision of where It will be heading, however due to unforeseen circumstances, It doesn't always go according to plan.

For example, If the wrong Item received method was used by claiming a different product was sent to what was originally ordered and the company had CCTV cameras actively monitoring their picking & packing procedures, they'll simply view the footage and deem that the correct Item was dispatched. I don't need to explain what happens to the SE! Or perhaps the missing Item method was put Into action, however the weight had been slightly miscalculated by the SE'er and when an Investigation was opened by the company, their Inquiry demonstrated that the Item registered at the carrier's weighing facilities, hence It could not have been missing.

As you can see, both of the scenarios above clearly conclude a declined claim and even If a PayPal dispute or a credit card chargeback Is filed, the chance of a decision In favor of the SE'er Is very slim - all evidence supports the company's findings. If the product(s) were purchased (as opposed to using the serial number method), as an SE'er yourself, you would obviously look at ways to get your money reimbursed Into your bank account, which can be somewhat of an arduous task - for the fact that "the SE and your actions need to be reversed". For Instance, If nonreceipt of goods was claimed with the DNA method, sometime later, "you'll tell the rep that the package was found", thus send It back and get a refund - but It must be done without suspicion.

What you will learn from this article and as per Its topic, Is "how to legitimately rescue a failed SE", meaning rather than being out of pocket with the Item(s) you bought, you'd resurrect It In a legit manner and have a refund processed thereafter. To do that, you'll make up excuses to the representative as to why "you made a mistake with the (Initial) claim", and apologize for any Inconvenience caused. Don't worry, this'll make perfect sense In a few minutes or so.

Put simply, the objective Is to "turn your failed SE Into a legit claim, and have your account credited for the full cost of the purchased Item". Given It's way beyond the scope of this tutorial to discuss every traditional method, I've limited It to five that are most commonly used In today's world of company manipulation and exploitation. Also, at the end of each topic, I've added my recommendations outlining "How to rescue the SE". Okay, so without further delay, let's get this started.

The DNA Method:

The DNA method (which Is short for "Did Not Arrive"), Is used by social engineers to say that the package they've been waiting to be sent to their address, drop house or any other location to accept deliveries, did not arrive as Intended. That Is, they've bought something from an online retailer/store, but the carrier driver neglected to drop It off at their premises. Evidently, the SE'er did receive It, but Is stating otherwise for SEing purposes. The best thing about the DNA, Is that It's "carrier-based", therefore considered a "universal method", thereby It's compatible with almost any Item of reasonable size & weight.

But be realistic with your SE, by exercising common sense and good judgement. For Instance, If you're going to social engineer a 78 Inch commercial refrigerator weighing 615 pounds at a cost of over 3,000$, It will not be dumped at your doorstep without any form of verification. The company will take extra care to ensure It's delivered correctly, by (for example) arranging an OTP (One-Time Password) that must be given to the driver to accept your consignment. In terms of SEing products like an IPhone, Apple AirPods, a pair of trainers etc, some SE'ers give Instructions to "leave the package at a safe place within the boundaries of their own home" and then claim It didn't arrive.

Although using that approach seems like an Ideal opportunity for the DNA method (In "some" cases It Is), there's a very Important element that's overlooked and If you're unaware of It, say goodbye to your SE. Here's what I'm referring to. Because "you" made the decision about the safe place/location, It releases the company/carrier from liability, hence "you are responsible" for loss of goods, which means the claim will be declined. This Is one of many reasons why I always suggest to "research" the company prior to hitting the SE - It will be stated somewhere In their terms & conditions. Okay, given the SE has failed, let's check out how to rescue It as per below.

How To Rescue The SE

I'd like to reiterate that you've tried to SE the company by saying the package wasn't received, however your claim was declined on the grounds that "you" selected the safe place. Naturally, the DNA can fail for various other reasons, but to keep this simple, I've purely focused on the safe place. Now It's easy to rescue the SE, by contacting the rep/agent and telling him that "a family member took the package from the safe place without your knowledge", and told you about It after you made the claim. You're acting as though It was an honest mistake, so rather than keeping the product (that was purchased with your own money), send It back for a refund by using a reason that complies with their return policy - a change of mind Is one excuse that will suffice with most companies.

The Missing Item Method:

As Its name Implies, the "missing Item method" pretty much speaks for Itself - the product was ordered from the company and when the box/package was delivered and opened, the Item was missing. Of course, nothing of the sort happened - It's solely utilized as such to SE the representative. Here Is a demonstration of how It works. We'll pretend that you've bought "one stick of Ram/Memory" from (who else but) Amazon, and had It sent to your home by their carrier service. Upon "opening the box", you'd contact Amazon and tell the rep that nothing was Inside, meaning the Ram Itself was not there.

Alternatively, you can say that when you "opened the package", It was empty - both the box and the Ram was missing. Allow me to elaborate how each of those alternatives are used. The missing Item method relates to either a "warehouse error" or a "manufacturer error". The former (warehouse error) Is when you ripped open the package, but the entire goods (box and Its contents) weren't enclosed. This can happen when the storeman picks your order (perhaps with a few others), and he's totally forgotten to grab your Item from the shelf/racking, and himself or the packing team sealed the box without your product.

Regarding the "manufacturer error", you'd claim that when the "box" was opened, the Item was missing. Essentially, It was the manufacturer who didn't put the Item In the box and sent It to the company, therefore only the box was dispatched to you. For the missing Item method to succeed, the product or shipping weight must be extremely light - "under 120 grams" Is the recommended standard. Many SE'ers are unaware of that limit and opt for something a lot heavier, and when the company opens an Investigation to cross-check the weight, It puts an end to the SE. Paying for the Item defeats the purpose of SEing the company, so let's see how to reverse It.

How To Rescue The SE

There are an array of excuses that can be used to rescue the SE, and the effectiveness of each one, Is only limited by your Imagination - It's not hard at all to lie and create a BS story that justifies the Item Is In fact In your possession, and you'd like to return It for a refund. Here's what I've just thought of In around 30 seconds. When you were checking the box/package, you received an urgent phone call and due to panic, confusion and Immediately having to leave your home, you completely overlooked the product. If you're going to use that approach, be sure to emphasize "panic" and "confusion" - as It will well and truly solidify your request for a return & refund.

The Partial Method:

Given you've just read about the missing Item method, you'll have no problem relating to what "the partial method" entails - namely because It works on a similar principle, but with a slight variation In how It's executed. Also known as "partial", this pertains to ordering a bunch of Items from an online store, and claiming that the order was partially filled when received. In other words and as an example, 5 Items were purchased, but only 3 or 4 of those Items were In the package. It's performed almost the same as the missing Item method, but Instead of buying only the one product and SEing that alone, "you purchase multiple Items on the same shipment" and then contact the rep, and say that one or more were not In the box/package when you opened It.

From an SE'ers standpoint, here's a scenario of how the partial Is used. He's placed an order for 6 Items, two of which were Ray-Ban Justin Rectangular Sunglasses weighing around 29 grams each - this Is what he'll be SEing - both pairs of sunglasses. When the delivery arrived, the SE'er waited for 20-30 minutes and called the company explaining that the sunglasses were missing from the consignment. As expected, they opened an Investigation to determine why there was a discrepancy between the dispatched and received goods. The SE'er Is well aware that an Investigation Is part of company protocol to move forward with the claim, so there's no cause for concern.

He's also made sure that the partial method was formulated accordingly - the combined weight of the sunglasses was 58 grams, which Is well under the 120 gram bracket, therefore they will not register on the carrier's shipping scales. However, there was a vital element he didn't bother to do - "research" the company's operations, hence unbeknownst to the SE'er, there were CCTV cameras right above the packing tables which clearly showed the sunglasses being packed and sealed. Naturally, It confirmed the order was fulfilled In full and the claim was declined, but the SE can and will be legitimately rescued as per the following subtopic.

How To Rescue The SE

Of all the excuses you've had the pleasure of reading so far, this one Is the easiest way to manipulate the rep/agent Into Issuing a refund after the Items have been returned. The reason for that, Is because there were a number of products ordered In the one package, It's very easy for one or two to go unnoticed when "quickly" taking everything out. And that's what you'll use to your advantage, by telling the rep you were In a rush while unpacking the goods, and didn't notice those In question. It's so believable, that you cannot mess It up even If you tried! Moreover, there's hardly any SEing Involved, so a refund (after the return) will be forthcoming.

The Wrong Item Received Method:

A huge benefit of the "wrong Item received method", Is Its versatility, meaning It's compatible with every company that has a warehouse full of stock. Unless you're SEing a car (so to speak!), there's almost no restrictions with the type of Item to be SEd, thus It can be used with nearly every online retailer. I'll explain how the method works In a very simplistic fashion. For the purpose of this guide, we'll make as though you're social engineering Amazon. After you've bought the product and accepted the package from their carrier driver, "It contained a totally different Item to what was originally ordered". Evidently and stating the obvious, the correct Item was enclosed.

Now before you go ahead with the method Itself, you "first need to buy the wrong Item that you're pretending to have received" - for the reason that the company will ask to send It back, prior to generating a refund. Also, to make It worth your while, be sure the wrong Item only costs a few dollars or so, thereby a considerable profit will be made compared to the price of the one being SEd. Okay, so you've done all that and sent back the wrong Item, however when the company scanned It, they realized It wasn't part of their Inventory, hence It didn't belong to them.

Furthermore, they checked with their accounts department, and no such product was ever Invoiced - which concluded the Item was not theirs and the claim was declined. So what went wrong with the SE, you ask? Well, when buying the wrong Item, It must be done from the same company (that you're SEing), and on a separate account with every Identifiable detail changed. As a result, when the return Is scanned, It will not be associated to you, and they'll also see It's their stock and believe that It was Incorrectly picked, packed and dispatched to your address. Given the SE has failed, rest assured, It can be reversed as discussed below.

How To Rescue The SE

I'd say It's safe to assume, that you're wondering how to justify the mistake made when you "returned the wrong Item that did not belong to the company", but If you think about It logically for a minute, It can be explained with Incredible ease. If I was In this position, here's what I'd do. I would Inform the representative that "their package and one from another company, were both delivered on the same day". Because each one was opened at the same time, I confused the products and "sent them the Item from the other package". It doesn't get much easier than that, does It? All In all, simply return the correct Item and get a refund. Don't forget to ask the rep to give the wrong Item back to you.

The Faulty Item Method:

Have you ever bought something, either In-store or online, to the likes of a hair straightener or an electric shaver and upon plugging In your product, It had no functionality whatsoever? I think your answer Is "Yes" on at least one occasion. Although goods are tested and Inspected by the manufacturer prior to shipping them to their suppliers, they're not always In faultless condition - factory defects are Inevitable and companies are aware of It, but don't disclose It. Social engineers also have knowledge of this, and use It to their advantage with "the faulty Item method" by saying the Item they've purchased, stopped working sometime later, or didn't function to begin with.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with It but In order to SE the company, the SE'er Is claiming It's broken. He'll then get In touch with the rep/agent and tell him about the Issue. Now It's standard practice for the rep to try and Identify why the Item Is not operating as per Its original state and as such, he will go through a few routine troubleshooting steps - with the Intention to resolve the matter In a timely manner. As a social engineer yourself, everything the representative asks you to do to see whether your Item works, you'll obviously respond by saying that It doesn't. When he's satisfied It's defective, he'll approve the claim but ONLY when the (seemingly) broken one Is returned.

No doubt, you're going to bypass the return and decided that the best course of action under the circumstances, Is to hit the boxing method, by giving the Impression that someone tampered with the package during transit and stole the Item before the company received It. Prior to executing the attack, you researched the carrier's terms & conditions and much to your disappointment, they were not responsible for loss of goods during shipment - which put an end to your plans to box them. You Intended to SE the company, but It didn't work out so rather than keeping the Item that was paid for from your own account, you'll request a refund as outlined next.

How To Rescue The SE

It may seem like a difficult task to rescue an SE Involving a product that you've said was completely dead, but It's a lot easier than you think - particularly when looking at the obvious alternatives to deem It fully functional, and here's how It's done. When contacting the customer service rep, he will (most likely) bring up the records of where your claim left off, so to convince him that the Item Is now working perfectly fine, tell him you plugged It Into another power outlet or (depending on the product), the batteries were changed. Any of the two excuses, will easily manipulate the rep/agent Into thinking the power socket (which was seemingly faulty) or the batteries, was the reason the Item was not operating at the time of the troubleshooting procedure.

In Conclusion:

Let's face It, social engineering Is not all sunshine and rainbows and even though you've taken the utmost care to avoid raising suspicion, Inclusive of formulating your method to perfection, It's Impossible to predict what happens on the other end of the spectrum - namely the steps taken while your claim Is being evaluated. All It takes Is one event to be triggered (that's not In support of your claim), and the SE will more than likely fail.

Sure, you can keep the product you paid for, but what's the purpose of going through all the hard work to get It for free, when It could've been genuinely purchased to begin with? After all, the objective of SEing Is clear - to obtain Items by not spending a single dime and when It doesn't work out that way, you're now aware of "how to legitimately rescue the SE" by returning the Item, and have the funds credited to your bank account or credit card.