ArhivaR is a program for finding unique strings (database, password dictionary, etc.). Useful for those who do not have money for a private anti-public. Or for a private check on your personal databases.
New base - what do we compare
The folder of your databases is what we will compare with
Result - where to store unique strings
mail: pass - in all Gmail databases is converted to lower case, the separator is replaced by ":". And only then will it compare. For example, in the new database there is a line like [email protected]; qwerty, in old [email protected]: qwerty. Without using this function, use [email protected]; qwerty will output to unique, with no.
Add unique ones to the database? - after finding unique strings, they are added to the folder with your databases in the added_strings.txt file.
A new base can be added by dragging the text editor into the "New base" field.
The path to the databases is saved when the program is restarted.
VirusTotal - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...1e666d4d3a57b5b9c56f5f3f86272f05bff/detection