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Hacxx Latest Scripts - February 2022


Local User
Sep 28, 2020
Reaction score
AV Detectors (Folder)
Detect common virus - AOL Hell, Blaster, F-Secure Banking UI, F-Secure Internet Security, NetBus.

Find Uninstallers (Folder)
Find and uninstall apps - Asus WebStorage, Comodo Dragon Browser, FoxIt PhantomPDF, IPRoyalPawns, Tribler, VLC Player, WindTangent, WinRAR.

Hacxx Virus Scanner (Folder)
Fake virus pages and Generator - Fake Pages, Landing Page, Generator. 

Scripts (January 2022)
Scripts from the previous month

Shop Landing Page HTML+ (Folder)
A Shop Landing Page that require login before showing the products

Shop Landing Page HTML+ New Layout (Folder)
A Shop Landing Page with a new layout

Website Cataloguer BETA
A bot that asks for a site and using apis it takes a screenshot and upload to

ESET Security Help (Hacxx Anti-Malware).rar
A full working website about on how to protect your internet connection.

Affiliate BBcode link Generator
Generate BBcode to make a image clicable in a forum.

Clean Box Landing Page.html
A simple landing page.

Execute JavaScript without tags.html
Execute one line JavaScript code without using script tags (javascript:)

Hacxx Explorer.exe FindWindow Hack.html
A personalized Hack for explorer.exe

Hacxx Online IPTV Player.html
A IPTV Player for m3u playlists

Hacxx Online IPTV Player - Method 2.html
A IPTV Player for m3u playlists - New Method

Is ESET NOD32 Antivirus Installed - Method 2.html
Detect if ESET NOD32 Antivirus is installed.

Microsoft Store Popup.html
A small script that will execute Microsoft Store app from the browser

Powershell 'Download & Execute' Code Generator.html
A Generator that will generate a dropper method on Powershell that allow to download exes and execute.
This code version is visible to the user (Use VBS or a compiler to hide the execution) 

YouTube De-auth - Bug to log off From Youtube.html
If this script is executed, services like YouTube, Blogger, Gmail or any other Google service will log off automatically.
Download 1:

Download 2: