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Oct 8, 2020
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What To Expect When Social Engineering Amazon
In terms of the sophisticated type of SEing that I've personally titled "company manipulation and exploitation", It takes an exceptional set of skills to deceive representatives Into performing actions that they're not supposed to do - namely Issue refunds for products you've either purchased or claimed under warranty, or tricking them to dispatch replacement Items at their expense. Naturally, the level of complexity relates to reps who work strictly by the book during their assessment, and not those who're brain-dead and approve claims on the spot.

There are only two gateways used In the above-mentioned capacity of social engineering, with the first being "In-store". This Is done by physically buying something from a particular store such as Walmart, return a little while later, and then social engineer the employee by using any "traditional method" to credit your bank account for the full cost of the purchased product. However, not every SE'er Is comfortable and confident to SE In person, hence they opt for the other gateway - specifically "via the Internet".

Online SEing Is by far the most common platform, for the reason that It's performed within the comfort of your own home, as well as having all the time you need to formulate your method & attack vector In readiness for Its execution. Furthermore, regardless of where you're located, there are an array of companies to target to the likes of (but not limited to) John Lewis, Argos, Overclockers, Shade Station, ASOS, Ebuyer, Goldsmiths and the list goes on.

While they're all very popular In the SEing sector, neither of them are appropriate for absolute beginners - for the fact that they are difficult to deal with, Inclusive of having CCTV cameras monitoring their warehouse, and a few of them actually check their goods as they're being packed. This ultimately puts an end to various methods like the missing Item, the partial and the wrong Item received. But there's one company that's suited to social engineers of all shapes & sizes - namely "Amazon".

At the time of writing, It's the largest eCommerce company globally and because of the Influx of orders, claims and deliveries on a daily basis, their reps/agents are predominantly under pressure to manage and process claims accordingly - which Is why Amazon Is the number one choice for almost every SE'ers needs. However, In order to give the SE the best chance of success, It's of the utmost Importance to have sound knowledge of "what to expect when social engineering Amazon" - thereby It will allow you to effectively tackle problematic Incidents that come your way.

What you will learn today, Is the series of events that're typically experienced when your claim Is In motion "with Amazon", and also what to look out for prior to deciding on the product you're planning to refund or replace. Given the standing (history & maturity) of your online account plays an Integral role with every SE performed, I've discussed the ramifications (towards the end of this page) of what may happen to the account when getting carried away and SEing carelessly.

These are the topics that will be covered In today's lesson:
  • An OTP Required On Delivery
  • Amazon Warehouse Deals Inspection
  • Disposing Of Your Returned Product
  • Ridiculous Request For A Police Report
  • Asking To Return The Empty Box
  • Online Account Flagged
  • Online Account Closed
Okay, so without further delay, treat yourself with a cup of coffee or two, and we'll get this started.

An OTP Required On Delivery

Firstly, I want to point out that an "OTP" (One-Time Password) only relates to the DNA method, so make a mental note of It for future SEs. Alright, If (for example) you're social engineering a high value Item such as a QLED 8K HD Smart TV that costs around 4,000$ using the DNA, an OTP will most likely be needed to confirm the box made Its way to the right address, and was personally received by yourself (the SE'er) or an authorized recipient. Because the product Is very expensive, It's crucial for the carrier to ensure It's accepted by the account holder or a household member, therefore a One-Time Password Is part of their delivery procedure.

Do note that an OTP sometimes applies to low value Items, so keep It In mind when hitting Amazon with the DNA method. Here's how It basically works. When your order Is placed and ready to be dispatched, or In some cases It's already In transit, the OTP Is sent by the company to your cell phone or to the registered email address on your account, and when the driver arrives, you must tell him the password to receive your goods. If you don't show/tell It to the driver, he has every right to mark the shipment as an undelivered consignment, and reschedule the delivery time & date.

Given the package can only be accepted with a One-Time Password, the majority of SE'ers avoid using the DNA method altogether - for the reason that It's an arduous task to grab your products without telling the password, but by no means does It suggest It cannot be done. I've succeeded on quite a few occasions, by using my manipulative tactics to trick the driver Into handing over the package with only a signature - which I evidently faked. If you wish to give It a shot and bypass the OTP, check out my guide here but If you're lacking In confidence or otherwise, choose another method.

Amazon Warehouse Deals Inspection

Prior to having your money refunded back Into your bank account after a successful SE, unless the serial number method Is used to hit a warranty claim, you'd obviously need to purchase the Item first, however not every social engineer has cash to pay for It at retail value. And that's when you navigate to "Amazon Warehouse Deals", and buy the product directly from there. So what exactly Is AWD, and how does It differ from the usual Items stocked at Amazon Itself? I'm glad you asked! I'll answer all your questions In a simplified manner.

In a nutshell, Amazon Warehouse has damaged, open-box, refurbished and pre-owned goods that are sold at a discount price. Essentially, If you're on a budget and looking to snag a great deal on the latest IPhone, gaming laptop, articles of clothing, beauty products, toys, etc, AWD will certainly fulfil your needs at a very reasonable cost. The other good thing about It, Is that each and every Item comes with a 30-day return policy which Is beneficial from a legit perspective, but not from an SEing standpoint.

Allow me to explain why It's the case, specifically when using the wrong Item received, and the missing Item & partial methods. Unbeknownst to many SE'ers, all products go through a meticulous "20-point Inspection" before being sold, and their condition Is also graded and recorded - just to make sure the buyer gets what he's paid for. Therefore, If you attempt to SE something by saying It was missing from the box/package, or It contained a totally different Item, the rep will refer to the Inspection list and verify the correct goods were dispatched, thus your SE has miserably failed. So, when purchasing from Amazon Warehouse Deals, refrain from using the aforementioned methods.

Disposing Of Your Returned Product

One of the most common methods primarily utilized by Intermediate and advanced social engineers, Is called the wrong Item received, and If you can't be bothered reading my tutorial, I'll briefly discuss how It's executed as follows. After the carrier driver dropped off your delivery, you'd contact the representative and tell him that upon opening the package/box, another Item was enclosed to what was originally ordered. Of course, the correct one was Inside the box, but you're stating It wasn't for SEing purposes.

In order to process a refund or replacement, the rep will ask you to send back the wrong Item that you've (seemingly) received, but It must be done systematically, by purchasing a very cheap product from the same company on an unrelated account, that weighs roughly the same as the original Item (you're SEing), and sent to another address. As such, when they accept the return, It'll be scanned and Identified as part of their Inventory, hence they'd think that an error was In fact made by their pickers & packers, and the claim will be approved shortly afterwards.

However, a lot of SE'ers don't apply the wrong Item In the above fashion, but rather choose something that has a similar appearance to the one they're social engineering, and that's when Issues are extremely likely to be experienced. For Instance, If the SE'er Is refunding a "GPU", he'll swap It with an old graphics card lying around the house, hoping no one will spot the difference when they receive It.

But unless the storeman/rep Is half asleep on the job, the return will be thoroughly checked - Amazon has been operating this way for quite a while now. As a consequence, It'll be disposed of, namely because "Amazon's policy Is to not store goods that're mistakenly shipped by the buyer" and no matter how much you complain to have It sent back, they'll remain firm and refuse to budge. If you plan on using this approach (which I don't recommend), expect your Item to be gone for good, therefore use a product that's worthless to you.

Ridiculous Request For A Police Report

Apart from communicating with reps/agents who are stubborn and try to make things as difficult as possible for you, there are many who're just plain stupid and totally lack common sense when assessing your claim. And Irrespective of the amount of times you explain the events (of your SE) that took place, and why the rep's response does not correspond with what you've said, It falls on deaf ears - their pea brain cannot absorb the Information given to them. It can be very frustrating dealing with thickheaded reps, but the key to moving forward with your claim, Is to stay cool, calm, and collected throughout the entire ordeal.

I'll elaborate what I'm referring to with the missing Item method. When using the method by saying "the Item was not In the box" or "nothing was In the package when you opened It", what It comes down to Is a manufacturer error and a warehouse error respectively. Both Incidents purely and solely pertain to errors made by the factory and the storeperson - without anything related to a crime/theft. However, to this day, Amazon's representatives continue to ask SE'ers to file a police report and until they receive It, the claim will not progress.

Can you see the Inconsistencies between their request, and the nature of the claim? I'll make It clear for you. As said, a crime has not been committed nor does It suggest that It's theft-related, so what relevance does a PR have to a storeman making a mistake with your order, or the manufacturer dispatching an empty box? I'll answer It for you: "Nothing". As stupid as It Is, you must comply with their pointless demand for a police report, otherwise your SE may well come to an end. Don't worry, It's all part of their silly protocol, so there's no cause for concern.

Asked To Return The Empty Box

What you're about to read regarding "returning the empty box" of the Item you're In the middle of SEing, Is somewhat of a rarity with companies that operate on a small to medium scale, but It does happen every so often with Amazon when hitting the missing Item method. For example, let's say you've bought a pair of 3rd Generation AirPods, and the entire weight of the Items (charging case, and each AirPod) Is 46 grams. Around 20 minutes after the carrier handed over the package, you've called the rep and Informed him that "the AirPods and the charging case were not In the box".

Under the circumstances, an Investigation was opened with the carrier that serviced your delivery, whereby the weight was cross-checked against their records to determine whether the AirPods were In the package at the time It was sitting at the depot. Because they're only 46 grams, It bypassed detection, thus the claim could not be declined based on the weight alone.

As a result, a refund was approved but Instead of Immediately generating It, you were told to "send the empty box" (plus Its accessories - USB cable, documentation) and the moment It's received, your bank account will be credited. This Is yet another ludicrous request by Amazon - what the heck Is the point of asking for the empty box and the said bits & pieces? It's not as though It can be sold, Is It? At any rate, when using the missing Item method, be sure "not to throw out the box" until the funds have cleared Into your account.

Online Account Flagged

When you're on a winning streak from one SE to another, It's very easy to get carried away and lose track of precisely when each one took place, and while you may be under the Impression that your refunds have been settled In their entirety, behind the scenes of the company's claims department, "records are kept of all communications and claims". Essentially, If the rep/agent has reason to Investigate your account, perhaps due to noticing quite a few wrong Items you've returned were not part of their Inventory, they'll not only check those Incidents, but also every other transaction.

What they generally look for, Is unusual spending patterns and any Irregular activity performed on the account, such as a high volume of refunds within a particular time frame. If the events are not too serious and do not warrant an on the spot closure (more on this In the next topic), "your account will be flagged", meaning It's being actively monitored for suspicious behavior. You can still buy stuff, but your refunds/returns have basically come to a standstill. If you've received an OFM email from Amazon as follows, then your account has been flagged.

"We noticed that you have requested refunds for a large number of orders. We understand that occasional problems with orders are expected In the normal course of business, however the unusually high number of problems that you have reported with your orders, exceeds this exception.

When unusual account activity such as this comes to our attention, we evaluate each account on a case-by-case basis to determine If additional action or account closure Is necessary. As a result, we can no longer compensate you for additional Issues with your shipments. If this problem continues, we may no longer allow you to buy on our site.

If you believe you may have received this message In error, or If you would like to clarify your order activity, please respond to this email within 30 days"

That's a standard automated message sent by Amazon's Account Specialist Team (just a bunch of office staff with a fanciful name!), to warn you that you've claimed too many refunds on the account In question. And If you keep hitting Amazon In the same manner, It won't take long before you cannot access the account altogether - with a strong possibility of losing It for good, as discussed In the final topic of this article below.

Online Account Closed

If you've been consistently SEing for quite a while using one account for every transaction on a very regular basis, you'd obviously try and refund every purchase made. That's the point of social engineering - to obtain goods absolutely free of charge, but the more you claim, the greater the chance of attracting attention from customer service representatives. And If you don't change your approach and continue to SE one product after another by acting Irresponsibly, your online account may well and truly be closed without notice.

That's right, you won't be told In advance of your wrongdoing, but Instead you'd wake up one morning to check your emails, and a message to this effect will be sitting In the Inbox:

"I can confirm that your account has been closed due to unusual returns activity, and It Is also correct that this decision has been made after taking a number of factors Into consideration.

Passing over the full details as to what exactly these factors are Is something we're not able to do - we're unable to share this Information as If It were to be made public, It could lead to more unfair use of our service. If you have any other questions at all, please ask"

The message above Is pretty vague and other than stating unusual returns, It doesn't specify why It was closed but one thing for sure, once an account has been "permanently closed" by Amazon, for the most part, that's the end of It - It's gone for good. You'd then need to go through the arduous task of creating new accounts, by changing every Identifiable detail linked to the old one, hoping that multi-accounting will not be detected. It's certainly an Inconvenience, but could've been prevented If you applied a few measures to minimize the risk of closure. So how do you do that? Here's my shortlist of recommendations that will help ensure the account's longevity.

  • Use a mature account (at least 12 months old)
  • Allow a sufficient gap between each SE (to play It safe, 5-6 weeks from one SE to the next)
  • Perform legit purchases on the same account (self-explanatory)
  • Alter the value of the Items (hit low value Items every now and then)
  • Don't use the same method many times In a row (no need to explain this)
  • Give the SE a break for a while (stop for a couple/few months and repeat It every so often)
  • Don't always refund (throw In replacements to break the same pattern of behavior)

In Conclusion

Although there are many more Incidents that take place during your social engineering activities, aside from It being way beyond the scope of this article to cater for the lot, my objective was to provide you with the events that're dedicated to Amazon.

Apart from the police report which Is part of protocol with an array of companies, the happenings In every other topic you've had the pleasure of reading, will Inevitably come your way when SEing Amazon. But If you've thoroughly read my guides, you're now well-equipped to handle and tackle all expectations and Issues with a high degree of confidence and accuracy.