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[Udemy] SDR for Ethical Hackers and Security Researchers 5.0


Top Poster Of Month
Jan 17, 2025
Reaction score

  • Raspberry PI 3B+ or Above (Find Details inside Course)​
  • RTL-SDR Dongle (Find Details inside Course)​
Have you ever thought how you can transfer data from one system to another wirelessly without internet! Or in some emergency conditions where cell phones and internet is not working how you can communicate? well this is what we will see in our 5th course of SDR for ethical hackers and security researchers.
In this course of SDR we are just going to use Raspberry PI and SDR dongle and create some amazing projects
First, we will setup Raspberry Pi device and install different operating systems into it in a way in which we will not use any keyboard or mouse and this setup will not only help you in this course but in your other courses as well and in your professional life as well.
Then we will do a crash course of SDR so those who haven’t watched our pervious courses of SDR can understand the basics of SDR
After that we will move to our first project in which we will create PiAware with Raspberry PI, so PiAware is a system in which you can track all types of planes within your vicinity
We will discuss different types of frequencies which we can transmit on air.
Then we see will how we can transmit different types of data on radio frequency
We will see how to transmit and receive:
· Text data
· Image data
· Voice data
And we will do this just on radio frequency without using any type of internet connection
We will also see what is capture and reply attack and how we can capture signals and again retransmit those signals on same frequency and how we can do this attack on different wireless devices
This complete course is based on Raspberry Pi and RTL-SDR dongle so don’t need any other expensive SDR transmitter or receiver for this course.
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone Interested in Software Defined Radio
  • Anyone Interested in using Raspberry PI as a radio frequency transmitter
  • Anyone Interested in decoding radio signals