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Oct 8, 2020
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Why The FTID Is Flawed & Is Not Considered A Method Per Se
Regardless If you've been social engineering for months/years, or just started your career In the art of "company manipulation and exploitation", there's no doubt you've come across a few sources pertaining to hitting companies of all shapes & sizes to the likes of (but not limited to) Wayfair, Zalando, ASOS, Ebuyer, John Lewis, Logitech and the list goes on. Be It registered on an active SEing forum/board, or a dedicated Discord server discussing ways to deceive representatives Into generating refunds or dispatching replacement Items at their expense while you still get to keep the original one, there's a very Important element that's needed to get the job done - namely a "method".

As you are aware, methods allow the SE to get off to a good start, and help ensure It remains consistent and heads In the right direction to ultimately have the claim finalized In your favor - preferably your bank account credited for the full cost of the purchased price. There are an array of methods to choose from, such as the good old DNA (Did Not Arrive), the missing Item and partial, boxing, the wrong Item received, the sealed box and many more - all of which are designed to work with every online retailer, but the same cannot be said for the flawed so-called "FTID method". More on why this Is the case a little further down the page.

I'd say It's very safe to assume that you've read about the flawed FTID and contemplated whether to take It on board, or used It at some stage during your social engineering activities and "If luck was on your side", the claim was approved. Because that's precisely what this piece of garbage relies on to succeed - "luck" and given many SE'ers believe the so-called FTID Is the best thing since sliced bread, I've decided to write this article with the objective of clarifying and revealing the facts about why "It's not considered a method In and of Itself".

Moreover, you will learn about how "the flawed FTID heavily and solely relies on other entities" to give It any chance of producing a favorable outcome - with the majority of SEs either failing right from the get-go, or prematurely coming to an end not long after the attack vector was executed. And those SEs that somehow happen to succeed, Is NOT due to the method Itself! Don't worry, this'll make perfect sense as the article moves forward. Before I discuss the flawed so-called FTID, I'd like you to understand "what truly defines a method" - as It will backup and support everything I've said thus far about the FTID, so without further delay, let's rip Into It.

What Truly Defines A Method:

When you've chosen the company you'll be SEing and sifted through their terms & conditions thereafter, the very next step Is to create a "strategy" as to how you're going to execute your attack and manipulate their reps afterwards. That Is, you need a "plan" to guide your SE, and the "plan" Is the "method" and If you don't have one In place, forget about the SE altogether - It cannot, and will not, make a start. Thankfully, and as mentioned a few minutes ago, there are a number of methods at your disposal and Irrespective of the company you're planning to social engineer, Inclusive of their protocols, policies and carrier partners, "each traditional method Is formulated to achieve a successful result".

That's what truly defines a method - as long as a suitable product Is selected and applied, "the method Is compatible with every store/retailer", regardless of the security and precautionary measures they've Implemented In their administration and warehouse departments. Sure, complexities are Inevitably experienced with stubborn representatives who evaluate claims strictly by the book, but by no means does It suggest that methods are not as effective under such circumstances - "a given method's potential Is always there", hence It's up to "you" to utilize It accordingly. Allow me to provide an example with the missing Item method.

Let's say you're looking to SE a UK store named John Lewis, by ordering an Item that's under "120 grams" - with the Intention to claim the product was not In the package when the carrier driver delivered It to your house. Prior to making the purchase, you did your homework by researching the Ins and outs of their day-to-day operations, and Identified that they have CCTV cameras actively monitoring their movement of stock - namely their packing tables when goods are packed & sealed In readiness for dispatch. To circumvent the camera footage, you've bought a product that's "fully enclosed In cardboard" (thereby It cannot be viewed externally), and contacted the rep/agent and said that upon "opening the box" the Item was missing.

Because the cameras could not detect what's "Inside the box", the footage was deemed Inconclusive and your claim was approved. Can you see how the missing Item method easily manipulated their warehouse environment? Essentially, the method will have the same effect on "any company" operating with CCTV cameras. Another example Is the DNA method, whereby you're planning to avoid a signature, and then say the delivery never arrived, however the driver took photos of both the package and your home as he was dropping It off - which will be used as photographic evidence to verify the consignment.

Due to the DNA's "compatibility with all carriers", the photos were bypassed (click and read my guide!) and once again, the claim was finalized In your favor. What you've just read regarding the success of the missing Item & the DNA, was a "direct result of the method's effectiveness and capacity to adapt to the company and carrier In all aspects". The same principle applies to all other methods - they have the flexibility to be used against all companies/carriers on every level. That Is the true definition of a method. Evidently, It excludes the flawed so-called FTID - for the fact that "It cannot get the job done on Its own, ever!". Therefore It's not considered a method. Before I elaborate on that, we'll check out what the so-called FTID Is all about In the topic below.

What Is The FTID Method?

One of the biggest load of trash to hit the social engineering sector, Is the "FTID" method, which Is an abbreviation of "Fake Tracking ID" and If you're trying to make sense of It by name, don't bother - It's totally Incorrect and misleading - which further adds to the perplexity and futility of Its purpose. The "tracking ID" Is not fake at all, but rather the "shipment" Is manipulated to represent a fake consignment. The author of this piece of junk, can't even get the title right, which Is quite embarrassing for someone who claims to be In the refunding scene for many years to date. That aside, there are a few ways the FTID can be used but I cannot possibly cover the lot, hence I'll demonstrate a couple of examples as follows.

Send An Envelope With Only The Tracking Number/Barcode

The objective of this approach, Is to obtain a refund for an Item that you have no Intention of returning, by manipulating the shipping label and removing all Identifiable details linked to the sender (yourself). Only the "tracking ID" and Its respective barcode remains as Is - just to show the envelope has been delivered to the correct address. For Instance, you'd prepare an "envelope" and exclude all details pertaining to your order - sender's Information, RMA Info, order numbers and so forth. The only thing to keep, Is the tracking number/barcode, otherwise It will not reach Its destination.

Next, you'd give It the appearance as though It's an "advertisement", by placing a sticker or two on the envelope such as "Peter's carpet cleaning services" or "20% off your next electric bill". In doing so, when the company receives the envelope and given It does not contain any details about your order/account, because It's an advertisement, they'll throw It In the waste basket. What's happened In this scenario, Is that the "tracking number" has marked your return as delivered (carrier-wise), however the company has no physical nor administrative record of the envelope In their warehouse.

So when you contact them a few days later (when dealing with "Amazon" It's best to wait around 14 days), they have no way to cross-check any details - Remember: they've thrown your consignment out, so they cannot check something that doesn't exist and as such, there's no choice but to manually process the refund. That Is how It "supposed" to work, but the FTID Is heavily flawed thus for the most part, It WILL fail - namely when using It against "any major retailer that comes to mind". I'll explain why, In the topic after the next. Okay, let's have a look at another approach that "supposed" to succeed.

Change The Receiver's Address On The Label

When I first had the displeasure of wasting my precious time viewing the so-called FTID, I couldn't believe what I was reading, and you'll see why I felt a strong sense of disapproval In the very next topic. The way this particular method (If you can call It that) Is meant to work, Is to remove all details linked to your order from the shipping label, leave the tracking number and barcode as Is, and then "modify the receiver's address to another destination". Why Is that, you ask? Well the aim Is for the carrier driver to deliver the package to the modified address on the label.

Essentially, you (the SE'er) will keep your fingers crossed and hope that the driver somehow forgets to scan the barcode, and bases the delivery purely on what's written on the manipulated shipping label (the wrong address). As a result, the tracking will show It's delivered to the right address, but the company will not have It In their warehouse, therefore they'll think It's an error on their end (for not being able to locate your return), and offer a refund within ex-amount of business days. Everything you've read so far about the FTID, Is how It "supposed to work", however It has an array of Inconsistences that predominantly lead to a failed SE, and "Is solely dependant on other entities to give It any chance of success" - hence It's not considered a "method" In Itself. We'll see why It's the case In the next topic.

FTID Flaws & Why It's Not Classed As A Method:

As you know, every traditional method like the DNA, wrong Item received, boxing and so on, Is designed and structured to circumvent companies of all shapes & sizes, no matter what type of measures they have In place when processing returns and evaluating claims. And all that Is done with the effectiveness of the method, as well as the skill set of the social engineer - without the aid of any other Individual body or system. The so-called FTID, on the other hand, Is quite the opposite. Once It's executed, any opportunity to succeed relies on the Incompetency, stupidity, mismanagement, laziness and Incapacity of whoever It Is that's handling the shipment.

In other words and put simply, "the FTID cannot get the job done on Its own". It counts on representatives, carrier drivers, administration/ Invoicing departments and warehouse personnel who're basically brain-dead, and neglect to use common sense and good judgement with the task(s) they're performing at the time - which Is why It's not defined as a method. Take the topic above as an example, whereby the receiver's address on the shipping label Is changed so It can be sent to another location. The so-called FTID's success "entirely relies on the driver's stupidity to deliver It based on the name & address on the label".

In terms of a local delivery and generally speaking, packages are scanned at the collection point, then at the carrier's depot and when dropped off to Its destination. Are drivers really that stupid to Ignore protocol or forget to scan packages "three times?". Furthermore, given the Info linked to your order has been stripped, how can the workers at the depot who have checked In the consignment and allocated It for a scheduled delivery, and/or the carrier driver, not notice a manipulated label?. I can confidently say that DHL and FedEx are rather meticulous with how they handle freight, thus (at times) they reprint labels when Information Is missing, which puts an end to the FTID there and then.

If that's not enough to satisfy you about the FTID's weakness, let's have a look at the other scenario (discussed a few minutes ago), by sending an envelope as an advertisement with only the tracking number and barcode Intact. Think about It logically for a minute, and from a viewpoint of those workers who are employed to do their job by making sure "every return Is Identified, allocated and processed Into the company's Inventory". Are people that dumb to throw away an envelope with a "tracking number marked to their address?".

A tracking service Is utilized to have sensitive documents or Items of value monitored throughout their journey to ensure they arrive to the correct recipient, so why would anyone In their right mind toss It out? Logic has It, they'd scan all Incoming goods that arrive via tracking - which obviously belongs to them because If It Isn't theirs, It would've been sent to the address listed on the tracking details. Again, that puts an end to the FTID garbage. Okay, no doubt you understand Its flaws and Inconsistences, so I won't elaborate further on that but what I will do, Is outline why It happens to succeed ONLY on selected occasions as per below.

Why The So-Called FTID Succeeds:

Before I begin, the Intention of this topic Is to make you aware of the "circumstances" of how the FTID succeeds, and the reasons why Its achievement Is not a direct result of Its Implementation. Here's what I'm referring to. The likelihood of a favorable outcome "heavily depends on the silliness and Idiocy of others". It Includes (but not limited to), storemen with no brain cells working In the Inwards goods area, carrier drivers who're half-asleep on the job and deliver packages by reading the Info on the shipping label and/or don't bother scanning the consignment, as well as careless employees who Issue refunds on scan prior to physically receiving and checking the return.

On a few, or all of the above events, the so-called FTID does have a chance to work, but relying on the Incompetency, stupidity and lack of awareness of others, Is not how methods are crafted to operate. If It were as such, you'd be able to use any method without worrying about Its compatibility with Items, companies and carriers - therefore It's not the case at all with every traditional method - "only with the FTID". In essence, It's the brain-dead "reps", "carrier drivers", "storemen" and "administration teams" who allow the flawed FTID to succeed!

Because of that, social engineers who support the lousy FTID, are "selective with whom they SE", meaning once they've Identified companies/carriers whose staff don't have the mentality to apply themselves and concentrate on the task at hand, they'll focus on them alone and then brag about the amount of times they've received a refund. If you're one of those SE'ers, I challenge you to use the FTID on any one of 15 companies that "I will personally handpick" - I can guarantee you, without a shadow of a doubt, that your SE will fail. There are no Ifs, ands, or buts about It.

In Conclusion:

Upon reading each topic and absorbing every bit of Information, you now have sound knowledge of why the so-called FTID cannot fulfil Its objective on Its own, thereby It's not considered a method. You're also well Informed of Its flaws and Inconsistencies, that ultimately lead to a declined claim In the majority of cases - especially with companies who're alert and not stupid to fall for such a pathetic attempt to deceive them.

In closing, you will not find a single article on this blog that Is written to only work with a particular company - every method Is formulated to succeed with any store/retailer you decide to SE, and It's up to "you" to see It through to the end. That's how methods serve their purpose In today's world of company manipulation and exploitation.