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SE How To Social Engineer Articles Of Clothing


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Oct 8, 2020
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How To Social Engineer Articles Of Clothing
The fact Is, every social engineer differs to some degree with the type of products they're looking to SE. Those SE'ers who're tech-heads will (for example) opt for computer monitors, digital cameras, headphones, Apple AirPods, gaming laptops and If they wish to build a desktop PC from scratch, they'll grab the latest GPU, SSD, CPU, PSU and the list goes on. And believe It or not, there are many female SE'ers who are Into beauty products, GHD hair straighteners, bracelets & earrings and basically anything that will bring out the best In their appearance - all done without paying a single dime.

What I'm referring to of course, Is hitting online stores to deceive their reps/agents to credit your account for the full cost of the purchased product, or have a replacement Item dispatched at their expense while you still get to keep the original. All that Is known as "company manipulation and exploitation", and I'm the one who actually named It as such, and with very good reason - you "manipulate" the company's representatives, and "exploit" their vulnerabilities to ultimately get what you're aiming to achieve - preferably a refund.

Although the exact same Interests (In Its entirety) Is not shared among each social engineer, there's one particular element that every SE'er, and all Individuals for that matter, cannot do without - which Is buying "articles of clothing". Be It a pair of pants, a full-zip hoodie or maybe a couple of short sleeve T-Shirts, there will always be the need to top up your wardrobe every so often - and that's why It's a very popular commodity to SE. However, for one reason or another, a lot of SE'ers find It rather difficult to not only decide on the company to target, but also how to select the most suitable method.

For Instance, to this day, I continue to come across messages (on a few forums) to the effect of: "I've ordered 10 Items of clothing and they're light, so I will PEB 4 of them". Really? What's their definition of light?. Are they aware of the PEB (Partial Empty Box) method's weight limit of 120 grams?. Did they calculate the combined weight of the Items to be SEd? Judging by the context of the quoted message above, I can confidently say that very little to no thought was generated Into the SE, and then they wonder why the rep/agent declined the claim.

Now It's not my Intention to belittle social engineers In any way, shape, or form for their lack of knowledge as described above, but rather guide them In the right direction when planning to SE clothes. To do that, In this article, I've primarily focused on four methods that are very commonly used with apparel, namely "the missing Item", the "partial" (PEB), the "wrong Item received" and the "DNA" (Did Not Arrive) - all of which are somewhat confusing In the minds of Inexperienced SE'ers who wish to formulate them against certain types of clothing.

In addition to that, It's paramount to have a good understanding of how companies operate Internally, as well as their returns policy - as each of these can have a significant Impact on the SE, probably to the point of failure, hence I've covered It In detail a little further down the page. But first, let's begin this tutorial by looking at precisely what characterizes articles of clothing, and then we'll move onto the company side of things, and finish off with the four methods as mentioned In the paragraph above.

What Defines An Article Of Clothing?

Even though the title of this topic Is pretty much common sense, self-explanatory and for the most part, does not require any elaboration whatsoever, some social engineers still seek clarification on what categorizes articles of clothing - particularly their nature & availability - for the (main) purpose of establishing the best company to SE. For example, many SE'ers judge the term "clothes" by Its meaning being: "Items worn on the body" and then concentrate on stuff like underwear, tracksuit pants and If they're females, dresses and skirts - which Is certainly true to the definition of: "worn on the body".

But It extends a lot further than garments covering the upper body, trunk and limbs. There are many other things that are also part of the equation such as hats & caps, gloves, footwear to the likes of trainers, sandals, boots and socks and although a few fashion gurus beg to differ, sunglasses do In fact fit In the same criteria. Evidently, It's not an exhaustive list of clothing, therefore It should simply be used as a general guide when preparing your method In readiness for the attack vector but before discussing that, It's crucial to "research the company you'll be SEing", so let's check It out now.

Research The Company Prior To SEing Articles Of Clothing:

The very first thing to do before even thinking about putting your SE together, Is to become well-acquainted with how the company operates, and the measures they have In place when not only processing returns. but also what goes on during their picking & packing of stock. As a result, you can make an Informed decision on the type of method to use with the Item(s) you plan to SE. For Instance, If you've Identified that their warehouse Is actively monitored with CCTV cameras, you wouldn't use the "missing Item", the "wrong Item received" or the "partial" method (more on these after this topic).

Why, well given both the above methods relate to claiming one or more Items were not In the package or an Incorrect Item was received after It was delivered to your house by the carrier driver, the company will open what's called an Investigation - to determine why you didn't receive your goods. They'll then refer to their camera footage, and deem that your product(s) was In fact packed and dispatched correctly. Cameras don't lie, social engineers do! Because their (camera) evidence Is conclusive, your claim will be declined. Can you see the Importance of making "researching" your priority? Good!

When SEing clothes and using the missing Item, partial, and wrong Item received method, It's vital to choose a retailer that does not have CCTV cameras, but how do you know whether they do or don't utilize them? There are a few ways It can be established, but for the purpose of this tutorial, I'll only discuss a couple of approaches as follows. The first Is stating the obvious, by asking fellow SE'ers on a social engineering forum or Discord server (that you're registered with) to share their experience with the company In question. Where possible, be sure to get more than one response - If there's matching Information with multiple replies, then It's very likely to be true and correct.

The second way, Is to perform a practice run, meaning a "trial SE". Essentially, Instead of SEing your real Item, you create a "bogus SE" that's solely used as a testing platform - In this case, buying a very cheap Item and hitting the missing Item, partial or wrong Item received method. If the company tells you an Investigation Is In progress, and after ex-amount of business days approves the claim, then there's your answer - CCTV cameras are not Installed. Okay, the final component to research Is the company's "returns policy" - to check If the products you're SEing are eligible for a refund. For example, for hygiene purposes, some stores do not accept returns on swimwear, underwear and face coverings. The policy Info Is found by navigating to their official website.

SE Clothing Using The Missing Item Method:

As already mentioned In the fifth paragraph of this article, a very popular method used by social engineers of all shapes & sizes to SE clothing/apparel, Is the "missing Item method". One of many reasons for Its selection, Is because an array of other traditional methods such as the faulty Item, sealed box, leaking battery, disposed of the faulty Item and the serial number method are all Incompatible with Items of "clothing". The sealed box method Is suited to goods packaged In a cardboard box with a factory seal, and the rest are for technology-based products.

From an SE'ers standpoint, the logic behind opting for the missing Item method, Is due to the weight of clothing being extremely light, however It's somewhat of a misconception - namely for the fact that "there Is a weight limit that must be applied with every SE". You'll see what I mean shortly. So what exactly Is the missing Item method? I'm glad you asked! As Its name Implies, It's used to say that the Item ordered from an online retailer, was missing when the package/box was opened after the carrier driver delivered It.

For Instance, we'll pretend you purchased a pair of Polaroid sunglasses weighing around 22 grams from a fashion company named Zalando, and had It sent to your home by one of their carrier partners. Upon "opening the box/case", you'd contact Zalando and tell them that nothing was Inside, meaning the sunglasses Itself was missing - with the Intention to SE them for a refund or replacement. Alternatively, you can say that when "the package was opened", It was empty - everything was missing, the box/case and sunglasses were not there. Of course, you did receive them, but you're stating otherwise for SEing purposes.

Now unless the rep/agent Is brain-dead and approves the claim on the spot with very little to no questions asked, there's every chance the company will open an Investigation and liaise with the carrier who serviced your delivery. What they specifically check, Is the "weight" recorded at the carrier's weighing facilities, but given the sunglasses are as light as a feather, they bypassed detection, therefore there was no evidence to suggest they were In the package. As such, the SE succeeded and a refund was Issued thereafter.

On the other hand, If the clothes are heavy enough to register a weight, the Investigation will conclude they were enclosed In the package, hence your claim will be rejected. Makes sense? Good. The problem with numerous SE'ers, Is that they read the term "clothing" and because (by description) It appears lightweight, they Instantly assume almost every garment can be SEd with the missing Item method - which Is not the case at all. As a rule of thumb, I always recommend a "120 gram" limit per Item, and that's pushing It to Its absolute peak. Evidently, the lower the weight, the higher the success rate. Be sure to make a mental note of this - It's the main factor on whether the SE will work In your favor.

SE Clothing Using The Partial Method:

Given you've just read about the missing Item method, you'll have no problem relating to what "the partial method" entails, for the reason that It functions on a similar principle, but with a slight variation In how It's executed. Also known as "partial", this pertains to ordering a bunch of Items from an online store, and claiming your order was partially filled when you received It. In other words and as an example, 5 Items were purchased, however you only received 3 or 4 of those Items.

It's performed almost the same as the missing Item method, but Instead of buying only the one product and SEing that alone, you'd purchase "multiple Items on the same shipment", and then contact the rep and say that one or more Items were not In the package when you opened It. As with the missing Item method, every piece of clothing must be extremely light to not register a weight on consignment - a maximum of "120 grams" but when SEing more than one Item, It's Imperative to calculate their "combined weight". That Is, whatever you're going to claim as missing when the package was opened, that's the equation you'll be working with.

For example, let's say you've bought "5 T-Shirts and 2 pairs of socks", and upon calling the company, you've told the representative that "only the T-Shirts" were Included when the carrier dropped off your package. Essentially, the "socks" (at 40 grams each) were missing, which Is what you're SEing, so both their weight must be put together as a single figure - In this case, a total of "80 grams" Is taken on board with the partial method and because It's under the 120 gram bracket, the method Is good to go. All In all, a single Item Is self-explanatory, but when hitting multiple Items, remember to consolidate their weight Into one unit.

SE Clothing Using The Wrong Item Received Method:

While this method Is not used as often (with clothing) as the ones you've had the pleasure of reading thus far, It doesn't mean It's less effective than the others, particularly when you take the time to prepare It according to Its design and application. However, many social engineers experience difficulties when attempting to properly formulate It, and If you're one of them, I'll explain how It's done with Incredible ease. In terms of Its objective, the wrong Item received method works by ordering your product and when the package arrives, you say that It contained something completely different.

Naturally, nothing of the sort happened - you're just saying It did to SE the company. Before you go ahead with the method Itself, "you first need to purchase the wrong Item that you're pretending to have received" - for the reason that you'll be required to send It back, and a refund will only be processed when the company has It In their possession. Now this part Is very Important, so pay attention to every written word. When buying the wrong Item, do so "on a separate account", by changing all Identifiable details (hence It's not associated to your main/primary account), and "make sure It's purchased from the same company you're SEing" and sent to another address.

As such, when the return Is scanned, they'll see It's part of their Inventory, and assume that they did In fact dispatch an Incorrect Item to your house, drop or whatever location you've used to accept the delivery - but given goods are weighed on consignment, It's paramount that "the weight of the wrong Item, Is as close as possible to the weight of the product you're SEing". Essentially, If the company liaises with the carrier and cross-checks their records, there will not be a discrepancy In weight, therefore your claim of receiving the wrong Item, Is well and truly justified. Basically, It doesn't really matter how heavy the clothing Item Is - as long as the weight of both the wrong Item and the original one match (or close to It), then the method Is ready to go.

SE Clothing Using The DNA Method:

The final method I'll be discussing, Is called the "DNA Method", that's short for "Did Not Arrive" and the good thing about It, Is Its flexibility, meaning you can SE quite a few clothes on the same shipment In one hit - all without having to worry about calculating their weight. I'll elaborate on this In a minute or so. Okay, the DNA Is used by SE'ers to say that the package they've been waiting to be sent to their address (or drop house), did not arrive as Intended. Put simply, they've bought something from an online store, but the carrier driver neglected to drop It off at their premises. Stating the obvious once again, the event didn't happen - It's only said to SE the company.

The advantage of the DNA over most other traditional methods, Is that It's "carrier-based", which means It's suited to any product of reasonable size, and the weight of the goods Is Irrelevant - namely because you're purely claiming "the package didn't arrive" from the carrier, regardless of what It contains and how heavy It Is. Furthermore, each and every SE performed, will be mainly focusing on the "carrier driver's activities and your manipulation" to achieve a successful outcome and In some cases, the SE Is 75% complete before even communicating with the customer service rep!

For example, when the driver arrives and you tell him you've just come out of the shower naked and speak out loud (behind closed doors) by politely asking him to leave the package at your doorstep, If he complies, start celebrating your SE - you did not "personally receive It", thereby anything could've happened to It while left unattended - a passerby stole It or perhaps your neighbour did the same thing. If a signature Is required, well, It's a useless form of verification - fake sign It with a name that's somewhat "legible" (readable) and when It's cross-checked against your name, It will not match, hence It wasn't "you" who signed It.

They're just a couple of scenarios that are commonly used with the DNA to help ensure a refund or replacement Item, so make a mental note of each one. Getting back to the point of SEing clothes (and as a reminder of what you've just read above), on the grounds your purchase Is "packed and delivered In the same package", you can order as many Items as you like - for the fact that you're solely concentrating on "not receiving the package", thus the weight, quantity and nature of the clothing Is Immaterial.

But be realistic about the SE - don't go overboard and hit designer clothes worth In excess of 10k! The company/carrier will take extra care to secure the delivery, such as asking for an OTP (one-time password), or the driver taking photos of the entryway of your home, or maybe arranging the package to be picked up at a particular collection point and requesting Identification as proof of receipt of goods. In summary, If you play It smart by SEing within reason, as well as exercise common sense and good judgment, you'll find that the DNA will succeed a lot more often than not.

In Conclusion:

Well, this article exceeded Its reading time by a lot more than what I Initially anticipated, but because I'm the type of social engineer who covers every angle with methods, Items, events, companies, carriers and so forth, It's Inevitable that my guides are In depth and rather lengthy. My objective here, Is to provide you with the perfect Ingredients to effectively SE any article of clothing that comes to mind, Irrespective of Its nature.

For Instance, If one method Is Incompatible with the Item and/or the company or perhaps you're not confident In formulating It, you have the option to select at least one other method. You've also learned the Importance of "researching the company", and why It plays an Integral role when opting for a suitable method. In closing, you're now In a position to hit almost every clothing company on any scale with a high degree of efficiency and accuracy.