Niflheim World

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  • First 5 messages from new users (pre-moderated user) will be checked for flood/spam before being posted on the forum. Users will also be checked for a multi-account.
    If you want to communicate without delay, get a free Huscarl status (how to get - User Groups), or buy premium status (how to buy - Premium status)
  • We have a scammer on our forum who poses as the administrator of our forum in his telegram channel.
    Scammer screen group - Screen 1, Screen 2 and group name - (This is not an admin, the link is only for reference with whom not to conduct transactions)
    Do not trust him and do not conduct transactions with him!
    The administrator has only one telegram - @ftmadmin and our chat - Link on chat

Hacxx Latest Scripts - January 2022


Local User
Sep 28, 2020
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Telegram Channel Research.html
[RECOMMENDED] Get Telegram Channel information or to research similar channels.

Telegram Channel - Messages Viewer.html
Show 10 latest messages posted in a public Telegram Channel.

Hacxx Virus Scanner > Hacxx Virus Scanner.html
You can use this script to search for a specific exe (virus) on Windows Systems.

Hacxx Virus Scanner > Hacxx Virus Scanner - Fake Page.html
A Fake Page that will scan the system looking for svchost.exe.

Hacxx Virus Scanner > Hacxx Virus Scanner - Threat detected Trojan-Spy.HTML.html
Fake virus alert page that will scan the system looking for svchost.exe.

Hacxx Virus Scanner > Hacxx Virus Scanner Code Generator.html
Generate personalized code to create a fake explorer.exe scan.

Ultimate Virus Scanner Landing Page.html
A landing page with advanced explorer.exe feature.

AV Detectors > AOHell Detector.html
A scanner that will scan the system looking for AOL Hell.

AV Detectors > F-Secure Banking UI Detector.html
A scanner that will scan the system looking for F-Secure Banking UI.

AV Detectors > F-Secure Internet Security Detector.html
A scanner that will scan the system looking for F-Secure Internet Security.

AV Detectors > NetBus 1.70 Detector.html
A scanner that will scan the system looking for NetBus 1.70 and variants.

Virus Alert Trojan-Spy.HTML.html
Fake virus alert page.

Hacxx Gmail Bulk sender - Send up-to 500 emails per day.html
Spammer script - Send u-to 500 emails per day Free

Hacxx Link Generator.html
Create urls to send email on a logged gmail/ account.

Hacxx Hotmail, Outlook, Live Link Generator.html
Create urls to send email on a logged Hotmail, Outlook, Live account.

JavaScript Search Engine.html
A search engine build in JavaScript.

My Fake Search Engine.html
Modified fake version of JavaScript Search Engine.

Simple Browser detection in JavaScript.html
Browser detect script

It makes a question to the user and it can be true or false.

Proxy detect or file executed locally.html
Check if the page is been executed from file:///

Banner ad example.html
A image banner with a link on a black background.

Website PrintScreen script.html
A website printscreen script.

Bitly Link Shortener.html url shortener script (Good to inbuild with legit sites)

BC.VC Link Shortener Script.html
BC.VC url shortener script.

The Hacker Machine 5 (100 Results).html
A search engine to search for hacker related stuff. Underground sites only.

Is F-Secure Internet Security installed.html
Checks if F-Secure Internet Security is installed

Is K9 Web Protection installed.html
Checks if K9 Web Protection is installed

Is K9 Web Protection Installed - Method 2.html
Checks if K9 Web Protection is installed
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