Niflheim World

Welcome to Niflheim !

  • First 5 messages from new users (pre-moderated user) will be checked for flood/spam before being posted on the forum. Users will also be checked for a multi-account.
    If you want to communicate without delay, get a free Huscarl status (how to get - User Groups), or buy premium status (how to buy - Premium status)
  • We have a scammer on our forum who poses as the administrator of our forum in his telegram channel.
    Scammer screen group - Screen 1, Screen 2 and group name - (This is not an admin, the link is only for reference with whom not to conduct transactions)
    Do not trust him and do not conduct transactions with him!
    The administrator has only one telegram - @ftmadmin and our chat - Link on chat

Hacxx Latest Script - March 2022 - Free Download


Local User
Sep 28, 2020
Reaction score
Ad Banner HTML for Telegram.html
Simple HTML Banner builder for Telegram.

Ad Banner PureVPN.html
Simple link PureVPN.

AdLinkFly Shortener.html
A Script to create custom shortened links on multiple AdLinkFly services. 

Bitsadmin 'Download & Execute' Command Generator.html
Create custom commands that execute Bitsadmin to download a file and execute.

Contact Hacxx.html
A way to contact me

Email Extractor Lite 1.8.html
Extract email and links from text.

Hacxx Adobe Fake Website Generator.html
Generate a Fake Adobe page with the purpose of downloading and execute a file.

Hacxx CharCode Encoder 2.html
JavaScript CharCode encoder (Remove javascript: if you are using on a script).

Hacxx JS CharCode HTML Obfuscator.html
JavaScript CharCode encoder + Iframe integration.

A exploit with remote file execution.

Hacxx Popup - Open a popup in any page.html
Code to insert in a page and once the page is loaded and a user click in the
page, it will open a popup (JQuery Script).

Hacxx Popup 2 - New and Improved.html
Code to insert in a page and once the page is loaded and a user click in the
page, it will open a popup (JQuery Script). Version 2 uses document.write to launch a window.

Hacxx Popup 3 - PureVPN Popup Banner.html
Code to insert in a page and once the page is loaded and a user click in the
page, it will open a popup (JQuery Script). Version 2 uses document.write to launch a window. (Final Page)

Hacxx RSS Feed Finder Tool V2.html
A Forum RSS Feed Finder.

Hacxx Shop.html
A simple store that uses PayPal link for payments (Works).

Hacxx SYS Protect.html
A simple website that will scan your system looking for some malware.

Hacxx Promoter v1.2 (Private Edition).html
A simple bot to post in multiple

How to free get credits on RaidForums (RF).html
How to free get credits on RaidForums (RF)

Mobile Prank Hacktool 4.4.html
Prank any phone with fake calls or sms (PT/ES).

Mobile Prank Hacktool PREMIUM 2.html
Prank any phone with fake calls or sms (Works in multiple countries).

PayPal Direct Shopping Link Generator For Business.html
Generate recursive payment links on PayPal.

PayPal Direct Shopping Link.html
Generate non-recursive payment links on PayPal.

Rapidgator Remote Upload.html
A tool to upload remote files to your rapigator account.

Rebrandly Shortener.html (Need to be fixed)
A tool to short links with Rebrandly.

Remotely download and execute with Internet Explorer.txt
A old script

ShortURLs Domain names.html
A chart/table with the best shorteners for 2022 and profit reports.

VBS 'Download & Execute' Command Generator.html
Create a custom command that execute in VBS and download a file to execute.

Windows Firewall Exception Generator.html
Create Windows Firewall Exception cmd commands.

Scripts (February 2022)
Scripts (January 2022)
Download 1:

Download 2: