Get a hands-on training and experience in tools, techniques, and best practices for effective ethical hacking to combat cyber threats at any scale
Key Features
Advice on how to use the ethical hacking methodology and thought process to perform a successful ethical hack
An exploration of the various stages of an ethical hack and the tools related to each phase
You’ll get the most out of this book if
You want to learn more about ethical hacking
You already work as part of a security team, blue team, purple team or as a security analyst — but that’s not a prerequisite
You want to become familiar with the same skills and tools that potential attackers may use to breach your system and identify security vulnerabilities
You have a solid understanding of cloud computing and networking
Hands-on exercises at the end of each chapter to ensure you solidify what you’ve learnt and get experience with the tools
Book Description
The Ethical Hacking Workshop will teach you how to perform ethical hacking and provide you with hands-on experience using relevant tools.
By exploring the thought process involved in ethical hacking and the various techniques you can use to obtain results, you’ll gain a deep understanding of how to leverage these skills effectively.
Throughout this book, you’ll learn how to conduct a successful ethical hack, how to use the tools correctly, and how to interpret the results to enhance your environment’s security.
By the end of the book, you’ll be well-versed in ethical hacking and equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to safeguard your enterprise against cyber-attacks.
What you will learn
The key differences between encryption algorithms, hashing algorithms and cryptography standards
How to capture and analyze network traffic
Best practices in performing recon in cloud
How to perform scanning techniques and network mapping
Leveraging various top tools to perform privilege escalation, lateral movement, and implant backdoors
How to clear tracks and evade detection
Who this book is for
The book is intended to be read by those who are looking to learn about ethical hacking. Individuals who are part of security teams, blue teams, purple teams and not limited to security analysts will benefit from this book. The readers should have a good understanding of cloud computing and networking