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Oct 8, 2020
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Exploiting A Signature When Using The DNA Method.
Without a shadow of a doubt, social engineering has Its fair share of complexities ranging from stubborn representatives who refuse to budge during the progress of your claim, to dealing with circumstances beyond your control such as Investigations opened, police reports requested, or perhaps asked to complete and return a statutory declaration. "If you're not equipped with the skill set and know-how to effectively tackle and penetrate every event that comes your way, your SE will well and truly come to an end a lot sooner than later". Whilst you cannot conclusively predict the steps taken by reps/agents from the time you submit your claim, through to the latter stages of Its assessment, you can significantly minimize the risk of failure by using a calculated and strategic approach.

In other words, when the SE Is still In your own environment, "you're In charge of everything that takes place" and of the utmost Importance, "whether It will head In the right direction and remain on target to ultimately work In your favor"- a refund Into your account, or a replacement Item dispatched at no extra cost. And the only way It can be accomplished, Is by selecting and formulating the "method" to perfection, or very close to It. If you're not already aware of It, "methods are the backbone of every SEing attack vector" and without having one that's fully compatible with the Item as well as the company and the series of events that're likely to occur, you will experience major complications to the point of your SE prematurely ending.

Sure, that are times when SEs are over and done with In a few minutes or so with very little to no questions asked, but I'm referring to reps who follow company protocol, and not those who have no brain cells left to think for themselves. Due to representatives being compliant with their guidelines, you cannot afford to leave any gaps In your method and If It's the "DNA" (Did Not Arrive) method that you happen to be using (or will use), the most Important element that you should be focusing on, Is "how you'll plan to deal with and accept the delivery from the carrier driver". Depending on the type of carrier company, some will ask for an "OTP" (One-Time Password) and others like "DPD", will (at times) take photos of the package left at your premises.

In addition to all that, there's one form of delivery verification that every carrier utilizes, which Is the good old "asking for a signature on receipt of goods"- and that's precisely the objective of this article. I will demonstrate a few very clever and methodical tactics on how to either circumvent the need to sign altogether, or signing In a fashion that will render It worthless. Whatever option you decide to use at the time of when your package Is dropped off, It cannot (and will not) be used to verify that your consignment made Its way to the correct address- namely your residential home, drop house or any other location used to accept your order. I've titled every topic according to Its methodology and although each one will not apply to your current or subsequent SE, I strongly advise to read every word from this point forward. So without further delay, let's get this started.

Wait For The Driver To Make The Decision:

Given there are so many companies partnered with quite a number of different carriers servicing their deliveries, they all have their own guidelines In place stipulating how their packages must be transported, handled and delivered- thus ensuring that each customer gets what they've paid for. That being said, "drivers do not always comply with their very own terms and conditions", particularly when they have certain deadlines to meet with their scheduled delivery run before close of business. For Instance, It's a fact that countless drivers deliver In excess of "200 packages per day" (yes, this Is an accurate figure at the time of writing), and skip meal breaks just to fulfill every consignment on their manifest. And that's not counting the busiest time of year, specifically Black Friday & Christmas.

As a result of being Inundated with ex-amount of packages to be delivered prior to ending their shift, they tend to take a few shortcuts when dropping off each one from one destination to another- namely "leaving them at the doorstep". From a social engineering standpoint, when this happens, the SE Is over 75% complete, meaning they've basically DNA'd themselves for the fact that "you did not personally receive your goods". Anything could've happened to It In your absence- a passerby stole It, or your neighbor may've done the very same thing. Taking all this Into consideration, when the driver arrives, do not answer the door and "allow him to make the decision on how your package will be marked as delivered".

Simply put, you'll pretend not to be home, with the Intention of having the driver leave It at your doorstep- which Is perfect DNA material for the reasons outlined In the above paragraph. You wouldn't believe how many drivers do this, hence you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain- should your plan of attack work In your favor. Now be sure to keep a close eye on his movements and If you see him walking away with your package, calmly approach him, apologize for not attending to his service and "sign with a fake signature thereafter". But doesn't It confirm that It was you who received It? Not at all, which brings me to my next topic as per below.

How To Effectively Sign With A Fake Signature:

As already mentioned, the most common form of verification for receipt of goods, Is grabbing a signature from the account holder or a household member of where the delivery will be accepted. This has been around for many decades to date and continues to be the most widely used option by carrier companies to confirm deliveries, however just because you scribbled something on the driver's hand-held device, "by no means can It be used to say that It does In fact belong to you". For example, If you used a fake name that has no association to your real Identity In any way, shape or form, how can the company conclude without a shadow of a doubt, that "you're the one who signed It?". I'll answer It for you- "they can't, and never will pinpoint It to you".

Why Is that, you ask? Well, were there any witnesses at the time of signing the consignment? Was It done on a document In the presence of a Justice of the Peace? Of course not! The only person who was around at the time of the delivery, was the carrier driver and regardless of what he tells the company, "It's his word against yours- which essentially renders your shipping confirmation Inconclusive". Now a lot of SE'ers make It a habit to sign by using some random lines and characters, thereby It cannot be linked to their profile and while there's nothing wrong with that, It's paramount to solidify your SE by covering every angle and leaving nothing to chance. In other words, "you must not give the representative the slightest bit of evidence that suggests It's your signature on their records".

Sure, the majority of times, writing down some garbage that makes no sense whatsoever gets the job done, but I'm the type of SE'er who leaves no stone unturned with every social engineering attack vector, so I will very briefly elaborate on how to "effectively sign with a fake signature" as follows. The process Is extremely simple and based on common sense, yet for one reason or another, It's totally disregarded by countless SEers- even those on an Intermediate and advanced level. When you're asked by the driver for a signature, do so with a completely different name but "be sure It's legible (readable), yet consistent with what typically represents a signature"- somewhat messy and not In block letters. Because It can be read, the rep/agent will see that "It does not correspond with your name", therefore your claim cannot be declined solely for that purpose. As such, If there's no Inconsistencies with your claim, a refund/replacement will be forthcoming.

Fake An Injury On The Right Hand:

Before I make a start on this, I'd just like to reiterate (and remind you) that everything you have the pleasure of reading In this article, pertains to the "DNA method" alone, hence does not apply to any other method In the world of company manipulation and exploitation. Okay, If for some reason you're not willing to sign with a fake signature- perhaps fearful that the carrier company or the customer service rep will (somehow!) associate It to you on a personal level, an alternative Is to "pretend that you've sustained an Injury to your right hand". This Is actually more effective than providing your autograph- for the fact that there will not be anything documented In writing during the assessment of your claim, thus the company will need to seek other measures to verify your delivery- like the "tracking details" which Is absolutely useless.

How so, you ask? Well, tracking only confirms that the package made Its way to the "address" and NOT the "person". That Is, your "house" received It and not "yourself", which means that tracking Information cannot be used as evidence to conclusively mark consignments as successfully delivered. Back on-topic, the objective of this approach Is to obviously avoid a signature altogether, and I've specifically named "the right hand" due to (over) 90 percent of the world's population use It when putting pen to paper. If you're left-handed, other than yourself, no one will have knowledge of It at the time of your SE, so apply everything you're about to read to your "right hand".

The first step Is to check when your order Is due to arrive, by visiting the carrier's website and entering your tracking number Into the required field. Depending on the carrier, It generally gives you real-time progress on the status of your shipment, therefore you'll have a pretty good Indication of how and where your package Is travelling through their network. When you've established an "ETA" (Estimated Time Of Arrival), bandage your right hand and be sure It covers most of your "thumb & Index finger", hence gives the Impression that you're unable to sign the delivery. The driver will see exactly that as he hands you the package, but he may not be entirely comfortable to leave It with you without some form of verification.

"SEing Is all about manipulating every entity that comes your way"
, so rest assured, this Is easily circumvented by giving the driver some type of reassurance that you received your goods. The way you do It, Is to simply show him your ID- driver's license or otherwise, and at the same time, get on his good side by apologizing for any Inconvenience caused. Don't worry, he'll only look at your Identification and not take a copy of It, so In terms of delivery confirmation, It's futile. But with regard to putting his mind at ease, It's very effective. If you've executed your attack similar to what's described, there's every chance that you can claim the DNA with minimal complications.

Both Hands Covered In Mud:

I must say that this particular method Is my favorite, not only because It's the most effective compared to those listed above, but also the fact that there's hardly any preparation Involved on the SE'ers end. Aside from personally trying this myself on a couple of occasions without fail, I've communicated with a handful of users In the SEing community, and each one stated that they've experienced the same- a successful outcome. It's so easy to apply, that there's no purpose going Into great detail, thus this Is very much straight to the point. As per the topic's title, you'll bypass a signature by having your hands covered In mud, whereby the driver will approach you with his device, see that you're absolutely filthy and refuse to hand It (the device) to you.

After all, no one wants their machine covered In mud, with the possibility of It losing functionality due to deposits entering Its circuitry. Okay, here's how you prepare yourself In readiness to accept your package without the need to sign for It. Just before the driver arrives, wet your hands and place them In soil to the point of where they're clearly visible with dirt/mud. I can guarantee you that almost all drivers wouldn't want anything to do with you, so circumventing a signature In this manner, will be done with very little to no effort. Essentially, he'll probably sign It himself (many FedEx drivers and others do), or drop off your package at your doorstep or right next to you.

Now you may be thinking that he will say to wash your hands and when they're clean, scribble on his device thereafter. Let me tell you, that every driver has a set run each and every day and must meet deadlines with their deliveries before finishing their shift, and as a result, they're In a rush and don't like waiting around- even for a couple of minutes or so. For example, how many times have you accepted a delivery, where the driver took all the time In the world to slowly walk over to you, hand you the package and then very calmly made his way back to the van? I can't remember the last time (If ever) It happened to me. For the most part, drivers are always In a rush to fulfill their schedule, hence applying this method as discussed In the above paragraph, has a very high success rate to avoid a signature altogether.

In Conclusion:

Whichever method you decide on using, be It faking a signature with a name that has no relevance to you whatsoever, or manipulate the need to sign In Its entirety, the objective Is to completely disassociate yourself from signature verification when using the DNA method. Upon reading this article, you've learned how to do It with a number of well-planned and calculated tactics, and If you formulate any one of the given methodologies precisely as written, you'll successfully SE the driver's request to sign on almost every occasion. Each event outlined In every topic Is extremely effective, so pick and choose the one you're comfortable and most Importantly, confident with executing It to Its full potential.